Introduction for European Travel Insurance:

European Travel Insurance
European Travel Insurance
Europe happens to be one of the world’s leading travel destination choices. However considering the fact that the continent has a mix of healthcare systems, which is both privatized, as well as, nationalized, it gets quite confusing for a traveler to ensure that you have the appropriate health insurance. Hence, it is important to have European Travel Insurance, while exploring this beautiful continent. Travel insurances help in covering the medical expenses, or even financial losses which one may incur while traveling through the continent. European Travel Insurance Group was the very first European company to offer travel protection.

Traveling Within The EU Countries

There are several countries in the European continent that are part of the European Union (EU). You will find that in most of the cases every traveler will be covered in case you are traveling in EU. This is due to the reciprocal agreements which happen to be the part of EU Social Security Coordination. This basically means that irrespective of where you travel within EU, your European Travel Insurance will stand true, as long as it remains applicable in any one of the countries. However, one must be aware that the way care is being given to the traveler might differ from one country to another. There may be instances where you may have to bear a portion of the medical bill from your own pocket. Whatever may be the scenario, having a travel insurance to help you out is always a great idea. You may even choose to go with one way travel insurance.

In case you are already being insured by a social security system, by any one of the member states in the EU, then there is a possibility that you may also be eligible for European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) as well. However, there are a few things which aren’t covered under the reciprocal agreement. Lost luggage, emergency medical evacuation, personal liability expenses or other such things aren’t covered here. For expenses like these, it is ideal to have travel medical insurance as well, because you may never know when you may need it.

Traveling Into The EU

If you aren’t a citizen of one of the countries in EU, then the reciprocal healthcare agreement is of no use to you, as you stand to receive no benefit whatsoever from this. Hence, a European Travel Insurance is what you need to protect you if necessary while you are enjoying the beautiful locales of the continent. Companies like Europaische Reiseversicherung, provide multiple-travel insurance policies as well, where you can take more than one trip a year and remained covered every single time.

There are a couple of ways to go about for procuring the travel insurance which you think is right for you.

  • It is preferable that you get an insurance that is denominated using Euros, and at the same time will be administered fully within Europe. There are cases, where the best option is to get European Travel Insurance which is based in that region or country. The administration of this insurance will be right in your time zone, in case you need it, and at the same time the fact that it is in Euros will be of great help. This will ensure that the possibility of acceptance is high, as compared to those in a foreign language.

  • You can also purchase a European Travel Insurance, from your own home country. If it is denominated in your home country’s currency then you may have more providers. International plans generally tend to cover just about anywhere. In case you visit a provider who doesn’t work with the plan’s network, you can still seek care. The only difference is that you will have to pay upfront, and then get it reimbursed.
In case of emergencies, it is extremely important to ensure that you get help immediately. You do not want to be bogged down with issue you may face with your insurance plans. Hence, it is extremely important that you choose to go for the insurance that seems to work out best, with respect to your travel requirements. You can also go for a travel cancellation insurance, in case you aren’t completely sure about your trip.

Schengen Visa Insurance

Europe insurance-Schengen visa
Europe insurance-Schengen visa
If you are planning to travel within Europe longer than 90 days, then there is a high possibility that you will have to get Schengen Visa for yourself. This particular visa will let you travel anywhere within the 26 countries in Europe, that belong to Schengen area. You will not have to bother with going through the custom whenever you are at a border. In order to qualify for this visa, you will need a European Travel Insurance, which meets with all of the requirements. Axa-Schengen can help you out in this regard and they charge, as low as, just 0.99 Euros a day.

Why Should You Have Insurance Plans?

health insurance
Health insurance

Irrespective of where you will be traveling within Europe, it is extremely important to have a European Travel Insurance. In fact most of the domestic insurance plans do not provide coverage outside your home country. In case they do provide you with the coverage, the travel-related benefits that you, as well as, you family need may not be included.

European Travel Insurance plans have been designed specifically to travel round the continent with you and to help cover costs of the doctor visits. It will also cover transportation to the hospital, and if necessary even carrying the body home in case the traveler passes away on the trip. These benefits aren’t typically covered under a domestic insurance plan. The fact that you get to choose the deductible and offers high policy maximums, make these plans completely affordable, yet comprehensive. This is definitely cheap travel insurance, considering the benefits that it provides you with.

Common Benefits

There are a number of benefits which are provided by the European Travel Insurance. Although the benefits may vary, depending on the provider, the benefits which are common to all of them are,

  • Hospitalization
  • Doctor visits
  • Prescription
  • Emergency dental
  • Emergency reunion
  • Travel delays
  • Emergency medical evacuation
  • Accidental dismemberment and death
  • Lost luggage
  • Repatriation of remains
  • Document and travel assistance


There are a number of travel insurance for Europe plans available for you to choose from on the basis of your requirements. Considering the fact that there is one too many options out there for you to choose from, it is important to do your bit of research before zeroing in on the insurance that suits you the best.